been a while


As I sit here and wonder why I ever stopped blogging I remember I never really started. Well, look at me know another blog post, and I sure the last for half a year because I am too damn busy to write about my life. To begin no I did not transfer to Grand canyon. School just almost seemed pointless at the time with covid and everything moving online, so being a barista sounded more enjoyable, and that it has been. I work at a local drive-up coffee shop in my hometown and it has been the biggest blessing working with such an amazing group of girls, who knew that there were more options than just a vanilla latte... not me so I upgraded to drinking an americano, or you can be like my dad and ask for a grape latte every time you comes through, (he really thinks he's a comedian) dad HATES coffee so a butterscotch hot chocolate does him just fine.

So I never talked about my amazing boyfriend in the last blog but let me brag about him and get all mushy on you. His name is Brett or as I like to call him boobie and now all my friends and family call him that.. (sorry boobie but that's your new name). He is the hardest worker I know and pushes to be the best every single day, always trying new things and perfecting them. He is truly my best friend. He is a welder and just started at a new job and has been crushing it there. He also has his own fabrication business and he and I just started a business together a few months ago, there is no downtime ever. Brett and I started a charcuterie and cutting board business where we make boards and sell them and later down the road I plan on hosting classes like girls night and a date night where I would have people come and make their charcuterie boards and teach them the right cheeses and meats and crackers. He and I have been so crazy busy with all that fun stuff so little self-promo go follow the Instagram account @bbellleboards

That is all for now so bye y'all see you in a week. But no promises!!

God bless,

Lala Frketich